The Domain Name System (DNS) is the only globally deployed Internet service that provides user-friendly naming for Internet hosts. It was originally designed to return the same answer to any given query regardless of who may have issued the query, and thus all data in the DNS is assumed to be public. Such an assumption potentially conflicts with the privacy policies of private Internet hosts, particularly the increasing numbers of laptops and PDAs used by mobile users as their primary computing device. IP addresses of such devices in the DNS reveal the host's, and typically the user's, dynamic geographic location to anyone that is interested without the host's knowledge or explicit consent. This paper demonstrates, and measures the severity of an attack that allows anyone on the Internet to covertly monitor mobile devices to construct detailed user profiles including user identity, daily commute patterns, and travel itineraries. Users that wish to identify their private hosts using user-friendly names are locked into the DNS model, thus becoming unwitting victims to this attack; we identify a growing number of such dynamic DNS users (two million and climbing), and covertly trail over one hundred thousand of them. We report on a large scale study that demonstrates the feasibility and severity of such an attack in today's Internet. We further propose short-term and long-term defenses for the attack.
1: #!/bin/bash 2: HOST=victim.dynalias.net 3: GEO='http://www.ippages.com/simple/' 4: FLD='hostname,ip,city,state,country' 5: while sleep 3600; do 6: IP=$(host $HOST | awk '{print $4}') 7: date 8: curl -s "$GEO?get=$FLD&ip=$IP" 9: done
Figure 1: BASH shell script tracking the location of victim.dynalias.net every hour.
In another trace (not illustrated), user S is geolocated to San Mateo CA until 7/30. S is subsequently resolved to Hyderabad, India for the week commencing Monday 7/31 through Sunday 8/6. For a few hours on 7/30 and 8/6, S is geolocated to a Singapore address suggesting that S flew across the pacific on these dates. In yet another trace, user K is geolocated to Vancouver Canada until 7/26, and then to Ottawa Canada after that. In this case, we were able to identify K through the webpage (hosted on the mobile host) and contact him over email for positive confirmation of the correctness of our tracking. That said, we failed to contact the users for an overwhelming majority of the hostnames tracked due to the private nature of services run by them; in particular, as mentioned previously, FTP servers when present required non-anonymous user authentication, HTTP servers delivered blank default pages (except for user K for example) and so on.
In our third surveillance experiment, we follow a random sampling of 118,000 DNS names for 77 days beginning August 14, 2006. Anonymized update records were obtained from logs kept by DynDNS. We filter out updates where consecutive IP addresses for a user belong to the same /24 subnet, or belong to the same ISP and are geolocated to the same city in order to discount many DHCP-related updates. Figure 4 plots the number of unique cities, provinces, countries and networks that mobile users were resolved to in rank order. To account for the geolocation errors observed in the previous experiment, we cluster geolocations within ±0.75∘ latitude and longitude of each other to a single location, which is plotted as a separate curve in the figure. As evident from the figure, the median number of updates across all users was 64; in the median case a user logged in from IP addresses geolocated to 15 cities, and 3 provinces over the course of our measurement. The number of users connected to more than one ISP was 15,055, while that geolocated to more than one country was 3,210. The median number of geographically distinct clusters a host was geolocated to was 2.
While the data above is indicative of user mobility, we are quick to point out the limitations of our measurement.
This document was translated from LATEX by HEVEA.
This manuscript is scheduled to appear in LNCS.